
In March 2010, Under 1 Roof pioneered the multi-agency Care Coordination group concept. Ten years later and funded by the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy, the Service Integration Initiative, has seen the number of groups similar to U1R rise to twelve across nine regions of Queensland. Additionally, a backbone support role is provided by Q Shelter to support regional Care Coordination Facilitators in each of the regions.


Care Coordination is an approach to ending homelessness that facilitates a multi-agency response to households with a range of exceptional and enduring needs.  Formalised Care Coordination groups meet regularly, enabling services to refer and review household supports and outcomes.

As an output of the meeting, care plans are developed, agreed and monitored, ensuring that tailored, person-centred housing and support services are in place in response to the household’s unique needs.

Households may benefit from a coordinated response in circumstances where the assistance of two or more agencies is required, and/or if multiple factors exist that influence their ability to sustain or access appropriate accommodation.

To find out more about Care Coordination and referral pathways click here.

To refer a client to Care Coordination, please contact Care Coordination in Central Brisbane

Any organisation is welcome to refer clients to into care coordination. Meetings take place every two weeks.

To make a referral or to discuss the care coordination process, please contact:

Phil Smith
3831 5900 ext. 116



Care Coordination Referral and Consent Form

Introduction to Care Coordination

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