You can contact Under 1 Roof by using the form below: |
Contact Details for Participating Agencies: |
ATSICHS Brisbane Housing Services: (07) 3240 8900 (dial 7) Email: |
BHC: (07) 3307 3000 | |
Bric Housing: (07) 3230 5555 | |
Brisbane Youth Service: (07) 3620 2400 Email: |
Churches of Christ Care Housing: (07) 3327 1674 Email: |
Communify Qld: (07) 3510 2700 | |
Footprints Community: (07) 3252 3488 | |
Mission Australia Brisbane Inner City Services: (07) 3434 7100 | |
QuIHN: (07) 3620 8111 | |
The Rotary Club of Fortitude Valley: 0438746193 Email: |
3rd Space: (07) 3254 1144 |