Latest events calendar for January-June 2017

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E-News January 2017

Under 1 Roof 2015 wrap up

See a wrap up of the year with a client outcomes report as well as an events calendar for January-June 2016.

Download here.

Under 1 Roof and Q Shelter publish Oct-Dec calendar of events

Q Shelter and Under 1 Roof have published a subsequent edition of the calendar of events including extensive learning and development opportunities available between now and and December 2015.  Highlights includes events involving Sara Burns from Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise and who is a co-author of the family of Outcomes Stars.  She is participating in two events in Brisbane in early November which are relevant to any agency using the Outcomes Star (not just homelessness) and any agency with an interest in understanding more about this important tool.

Under 1 Roof and Q Shelter partner to deliver more learning and development events. 

Under 1 Roof and Q Shelter are working together to offer more learning and development opportunities for housing, homelessness and related sectors.  View an inaugural calendar of events for September-November 2015 here.

Previous news

Under 1 Roof E-news Events Special for August 2015 is available here.  See Under 1 Roof latest news including upcoming events.

Under 1 Roof celebrates five years of case coordination and launches Triage Project Report

Under 1 Roof was joined by over 50 guests on Friday 27 March 2015 to celebrate five years of case coordination work and to launch a report reflecting the findings and possible directions emerging from a trial triage project that unfolded in Brisbane’s north during 2014.

The project was enabled by funding from North Brisbane Partners in Recovery Innovation Fund and involved 24 participating agencies in the trial project.  Several people were on hand to talk about what case coordination groups are achieving and what has been learned.  Stephen Hawkins presented learnings and findings from Brisbane North Case Coordination Group while Andy Denniss from Ipswich Churches of Christ Care was on hand to explain the emergence of Under 1 Roof Ipswich, its progress and offered some views on opportunities to strengthen this way of working in more locations.  Annemaree Callander from BYS, who sits on U1R Board, presented some key learnings from U1R Brisbane.

Jeff Cheverton from Metro North Brisbane Medicare Local provided a response to the launch of the report while Michael Bailey, president of the Rotary Club of Fortitude Valley provided words of encouragement to U1R about its progress and outcomes.  This was an opportunity to offer heartfelt thanks to the RCFV for their continued support.  As Co-Chair Kent Maddock said:

“On a day like today as we look back to our beginnings we can’t help but sincerely acknowledge and thank the Rotary Club of Fortitude Valley. Under 1 Roof was started by ordinary citizens through Rotary as a vehicle. We only exist because of their early work and the capacity for case coordination is supported every year through their philanthropy. On behalf of U1R we thank Michael Bailey as president and Julie Heckenberg who is on the U1R board. Please extend our thanks to Rotary for your initial vision, your hard work and continued support. The outcomes presented today are a direct consequence of your commitment.”

Read more here:

Client data from 2013-2014

Under 1 Roof continues to run case coordination meetings every fortnight where clients are referred whose circumstances are complex and who might benefit from a multi-agency approach.  Under  1 Roof has compiled client data from 2013-2014 showing improvements in the proportion of people achieving better housing outcomes and a reduction in the number of people who disengage from services.  Download the Data report from 2013-2014.

Special thanks to Brisbane City Council for project funding which contributed to the continuation of case coordination meetings.

Download our latest newsletter here

Catch up on E-news December 2014 including a special article from co-chairs David Cant and Kent Maddock.

Read Previous e-news:

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Newly releases reports on outcomes

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